Ways to Prevent Common Childhood Illnesses

Ways to Prevent Common Childhood Illnesses

But why do children seem to be sicker than adults more frequently? Kids frequently put things in their mouths, to start. Additionally, they don’t wash their hands after touching objects that could be contaminated. Infection resistance in children is also inferior to that in adults. With so many resources available today, parents can help keep the younger generation safe and healthy. More than a dozen diseases, some of which were frequently fatal, have decreased to their lowest levels ever as a result of medical interventions and the introduction of vaccinations. In order to maintain this improvement in young children’s health, everyone must do their part. Preventing the spread of disease and saving a life may depend on how quickly you act.What are the most common childhood illnesses?

Most infections are caused by germs called viruses and bacteria. Even though you might be able to stop the spread of germs, you can’t always prevent your child from getting sick. Knowing how to keep their kids healthy and what to do when they get sick is crucial for parents. One of the most infamous disease carriers is children. Their hands are all over the place, and there’s a good chance they didn’t wash them after touching something unclean. Your child could become ill from one of the numerous common illnesses that affect kids. Here are just a few examples of those. Learn more about these prevalent diseases in the following paragraphs, as well as what you and your child can do to prevent or treat them.Common Cold

It’s not surprising that the common cold is one of the most common childhood illnesses. Colds are brought on by viruses, which are easily spread in settings where people are in close proximity to one another. To treat symptoms like fever, headaches, or muscle aches, over-the-counter medicines can be used.Sore Throat

Children often experience sore throats, which can be uncomfortable. Antibiotics are not necessary for viral sore throats, though. In those circumstances, no particular medication is necessary, and your child should recover in seven to ten days.Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Children under the age of five are typically affected by hand, foot, and mouth disease. It spreads via saliva, blisters, and, occasionally, viral shedding from feces. Be on the lookout for signs like a fever, a sore throat, and a lack of appetite.Stomach Flu

Viral gastroenteritis, also known as stomach flu, is brought on by numerous viruses. Diarrhea, vomiting, stomachache, and fever are the main symptoms. The most typical cause of diarrhea in kids under five is stomach flu. The symptoms begin about two days later and last for about 10 days. Kids who have the stomach flu can quickly become dehydrated. The spread of stomach flu can occur through direct contact with an infected person or through contaminated food or beverages. Frequent hand washing is the best defense against it.Bronchitis

Bronchitis happens when the airways in the lungs swell and produce mucus. This causes coughing, chest pain, fatigue, headaches, body aches, and a sore throat. The majority of cases of bronchitis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are caused by a virus that frequently occurs after an upper respiratory infection.Ear Infections

Compared to adults, kids are more likely to get ear infections. Bacterial or viral infections can result in ear infections. Ear pain, fever, agitation, trouble sleeping, and ear tugging are among the symptoms.Measures to Promote Good Hygiene in Children

There are steps that can be taken to create a healthy environment for children. You can reduce your child’s risk of contracting these viruses by doing the following:

  • Nutrition – A well-balanced diet should include carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals
  • Adequate hydration should be maintained in children of all age groups
  • Vaccination – the child should be vaccinated as per the immunization schedule and any missed doses need to catch up which can be discussed with the pediatrician
  • Hygiene – hand hygiene is the most important measure that needs to be taken seriously in order to avoid the transmission of harmful germs
  • Proper hygiene also ensures a decrease in worm infestation, skin and ear infections
  • Teach the children to cover their mouths with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing
  • Clean the toys regularly
  • Both child and caregiver should frequently wash their hands with soap
  • Keeping your household germ-free can go a long way in reducing your child’s risk of contracting a contagious infection
  • Do not share eating utensils or drinking cups when the child is sick
  • Periodic Health Check – The child’s weight, height, body mass index (BMI), and other growth parameters, along with the completion of developmental milestones, should be monitored at regular intervals, and any deviation, if observed, should be addressed.
  • Health care visits should also be used to educate and reinforce good health practices in children and parents

When to Call the Doctor

A sudden sickness will test the limits of your endurance and leave you worried and frustrated about the best course of action to treat your child.Most childhood illnesses run their course without any big worries. Some symptoms may warrant a consultation with a pediatrician. Watch out for the following:

Dehydration – Your child may appear very lethargic, have sunken eyes (or, if he’s a baby, a soft spot on his head), or have a mouth that feels sticky or tacky to the touch. Watch out if he’s only peeing three or four times a day or less.

High fever – In newborns, any elevated temperature warrants a visit to the doctor.

Breathing difficulty – If your child is wheezing, his breathing is rapid or labored, or there are long pauses in between each breath, reach out to a doctor right away.

Loss of appetite – A sick child’s lack of interest in food is typical. However, consult your doctor if your child is only consuming half as much food or liquids as usual for more than two days.

Preexisting conditions – If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, diabetes, a suppressed immune system, or another chronic medical condition, speak to your pediatrician every time he comes down with a virus.Experience the best pediatric care at Prashanth Hospitals

If your child has any of the symptoms mentioned above, we can help. Choosing a child specialist is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. That’s why Prashanth Hospitals, the best pediatric hospital in Chennai, offers unparalleled pediatric care round-the-clock.

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